A Resource for Teachers, Clinicians, Parents, and Students by the Brain Injury Association of New York State. |
Step 1: Organize observations relevant to the problematic behavior/issue
In many cases, there are several contributors to the student’s identified problem. These contributors may interact with each other, therefore, it may be necessary to combine tests from different categories of possibilities. The existence of several interacting contributors may become obvious as you proceed through individual intervention experiments. Organizational impairment: Some students may have difficulty with written composition as a result of organizational impairment. (See Tutorials on Organization; Advance Organizers.) Relevant Observations: The student’s ability to put his thoughts in writing may be related to the organizational demands of the task. If a task is not routine and/or has many components to be organized, the student may be unable to focus and maintain goal-directed work. The student may appear confused and disorganized. The student’s materials may be poorly organized. (See Tutorial on Organization.) Useful experiments for assessment and intervention:
Possible referrals: School psychologist for assessment; instructional support specialist for instructional strategies
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