A Resource for Teachers, Clinicians, Parents, and Students by the Brain Injury Association of New York State.
For Parents
Welcome to the LEARNet Problem-Solving System for educators and families working with students with brain injury. We invite you to view the introduction video which will provide some helpful tips on how you, as a parent of a child with brain injury, can make the most out of this valuable educational resource.
Here at the Brain Injury Association of New York, we understand how difficult it can be to cope after a family member sustains a brain injury. The LEARNet Problem Solving System is a tool and a resource for you and your family. If your child is school aged, visit our For Teachers page to learn about brain injury in the classroom and how teachers and families can work together to provide the best support for your child.
Damage to the brain may vary in extent, area and type of damage depending on a variety of factors relating to the nature of the injury, severity of the injury, how it occurred and how quickly medical attention was sought.
Learn more about the structure and function of the brain with an interactive 3D brain
Documentary: Keep Moving Forward: Children with Brain Injuries
Short Version / Part 1 / Part 2
-BIANYS is proud to announce the release of our new documentary, Keep Moving Forward: Children with Brain Injuries. Keep Moving Forward presents the experiences of three families, each with a child who sustained a brain injury. A moving depiction of the impact on families, Keep Moving Forward illustrates the changes and challenges facing children, their families, and the community following a brain injury.
For more brain injury related webinars, documentaries and PowerPoint presentations please visit The Brain Injury Association of NYS’ YouTube channel
BIANYS Family Advocacy Counseling and Training Services (FACTS) Program
The Association’s Family Advocacy Counseling and Training Services (FACTS) program has been in existence since 1993. Funded by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, the FACTS program provides linkages for individuals injured before age 22 and their families with community-based services and supports. The FACTS program is implemented by 18 Family Support Coordinators and covers all regions across New York State. In addition to providing system linkages, the FACTS Coordinators educate the public about brain injury, available services, and prevention; and assist in the activities of local Association chapters and support groups. For more information, please contact Erin Weaver at the Brain Injury Association of New York State. To access a listing of a FACTS Coordinator in your area, click here. [FACTS Coordinator list]
A new community-based concussion management program is now available free-of-charge. The REAP (Reduce, Educate, Accommodate, Pace) project was initially developed in Colorado after the loss of a student from "second-impact syndrome." REAP is a model program that empowers schools, families, students, and medical professionals to come together to help young people achieve the safest recovery from concussion. We encourage everyone to utilize this invaluable tool and pass it on!
The REAP project works on the premise that concussion is best managed by a Multi-Disciplinary Team that includes the Student/Athlete, the Family, various members of the School Team and the Medical Team. You will see color-coded suggestions for each “team member” throughout the manual making it easy to follow. You will also find a symptom checklist for use at home or on the field, sections dedicated to explaining the most common problems seen after concussion and a ‘note to teacher’ template to be given to the students’ teacher after concussion has been assessed. The REAP project takes the guesswork out of caring for your child or student after brain injury. Start using it today!
The Adolescent Support and Peer Leadership Network The following video segment was created as part of the Brain Injury Association of New York State’s DDPC funded project, the Adolescent Peer Support and Leadership Network (1999-2000). The video features thoughts and feelings shared by parents about the experience of raising a child with brain injury.
“Advocates for Children of New York works on behalf of children, aged 0-26 who are at greatest risk for school-based discrimination and/or academic failure due to poverty, disability, race, ethnicity, immigrant or English Language Learner status, homelessness, or involvement in the foster care or juvenile justice systems.” Visit the website for more information.
“For over 36 years Parent to Parent programs across the country have been providing emotional and informational support to families of children who have special needs most notably by matching parents seeking support with an experienced, trained 'Support Parent'.” Explore the website for support for organizations or parents.
TBI: A Guidebook for Educators A publication by The New York State Education Department aimed to provide information and educational interventions to improve the quality of services for students with traumatic brain injury.
Fact sheet created by the Brain Injury Association of NYS
Kids Helping Kids stay safe and Injury Free
Designs for Friendship
This booklet talks about the fantastic powers of the brain, and how important
it is to keep your brain safe. One way to protect your brain is to learn about
anger and what to do with it. There are safe ways to handle problems with others and to be a friend.
This booklet provides brief answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding guardianship after brain injury.
This booklet is designed for the family and friends of a child who has experienced a brain injury. This booklet will help you understand ways to care for and support your child.
This booklet is designed to help family and individuals with brain injury through the initial “shock” that they may be experiencing. This booklet includes answers to some common questions- What is a brain injury? What are long-term symptoms of brain injury? Where can I turn for help?
This resource includes common statistics for brain injury along with common causes and information on prevention of brain injury.