A Resource for Teachers, Clinicians, Parents, and Students by the Brain Injury Association of New York State.
Problem: The student responds slowly, perhaps after a considerable delay; the student also works slowly.
Please review the list of possible explanations to the problem. Click on a possibility to learn about relevant observations and experiments to further determine the source of the problem. There are 4 categories: General Medical, Cognitive/Self-Regulatory, Behavioral, Social-Emotional

Click on "MORE" after any of these possible explanations to view suggestions for exploring that possible explanation.

General Medical Possibilities:

Medical Possibility #1:Medication side effect: Some students may respond and work slowly as a side effect of medication. MORE...

Medical Possibility #2: Chronic pain. Some students respond and work slowly as a result of being in chronic pain. MORE...

Medical Possibility #3: Fatigue, hunger, general nutrition: Some students respond and work slowly as a result of fatigue (e.g., insufficient sleep) or hunger. MORE...

Medical Possibility #4: Seizures: In rare cases, responding and working slowly may be a result of seizures that may or may not be diagnosed. If seizures have been diagnosed, staff should ask the physician if slowness in responding and working is a likely or possible consequence of the seizures or seizure medications. If seizures have not been diagnosed, but are suspected, a seizure evaluation should be recommended. If seizures are diagnosed, the prescribed medication regimen should be followed along with environmental management of the initiation impairment. (See Tutorial on Seizures) MORE...


Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibilities:

Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibility #1: Isolated rate-of-processing impairment: Some students may respond and work slowly as a direct result of widespread diffuse neuronal damage or possibly frontal lobe injury. (See Tutorial on Slow Processing) MORE...

Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibility #2: Weak orientation to task: Some students may respond and word slowly as a result of disorientation or uncertainty regarding what is required of them. (See Tutorials on Language Comprehension; Organization.) MORE...

Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibility #3: Generally weak cognitive and academic functioning: Some students may respond and work slowly as a result of excessive demands placed on their memory, organizational ability, academic skill, or other cognitive ability. They may experience frequent failure in school. (See Tutorials on Cognition, Memory, Organization.) MORE...

Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibility #4: Organizational impairment: Some students may appear to respond and work slowly as a result of organizational impairment. (See Tutorial on Organization.) MORE...

Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibility #5: Initiation impairment: Some students may respond and work slowly as a result of initiation impairment (frontal lobe injury). (See Tutorial on Initiation). MORE...

Cognitive/Self-Regulatory Possibility #6: Specific retrieval problems: Some students may respond and work slowly as a result of specific retrieval problems. (See Tutorials on Retrieval; Word Retrieval.) MORE...


Behavioral Possibilities:

Behavioral Possibility #1: Oppositionality: Some students may respond and work slowlyas a result of oppositional behavior (See Tutorials on Oppositional Behavior; Behavior Management: Prevention Strategies). MORE...

Behavioral Possibility #2: Attention seeking: Some students may respond and work slowly as a means of obtaining adult and/or peer attention. (See Tutorials on Attention Seeking; Behavior Management: Prevention Strategies; Behavior Management: Contingency Management) MORE...

Behavioral Possibility #3: Manipulativeness: Some students may respond and work slowly as a form of manipulation. (See Tutorials on Manipulation; Behavior Management: Prevention Strategies.) MORE...

Behavioral Possibility #4: Task avoidance: Some students may respond and work slowly as a way to avoid specific tasks. (See Tutorials on Task Avoidance; Behavior Management: Prevention Strategies; Behavior Management: Contingency Management.) MORE...

Behavioral Possibility #5: Control: Some students may respond and work slowly as a way of exercising control. (See Tutorials on Control-Oriented Behavior; Behavior Management: Prevention Strategies; Behavior Management: Contingency Management.) MORE...


Social-Emotional Possibilities

Social-Emotional Possibility #1: Depression: Some students may appear to respond and work slowly because they are upset, depressed, and/or lack positive relationships with peers and/or adults. (See Tutorials on Depression; Friendship and Peer Relationships.) MORE...

Social-Emotional Possibility #2: Anxiety: Some students may appear to respond and work slowly as a result of anxiety. (See Tutorial on Anxiety.) MORE...

Social-Emotional Possibility #3: Frustration: Some students may appear to respond and work slowly as a result of feeling frustrated. (See Tutorial on Frustration.) MORE...


A program of the Brain Injury Association of New York State, and funded by the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.

Copyright 2006, by
The Brain Injury Association of New York State
10 Colvin Avenue, Albany, NY 12206 - Phone: (518) 459-7911 - Fax: (518) 482-5285

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